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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trump Blames ‘Fauci And These Idiots’ For His Own Coronavirus Ineptitude

President Donald Trump on Monday lashed out at medical experts and complained about people being tired of hearing about COVID-19, as the confirmed death toll in the U.S. ticked closer to 220,000 and the spread of the disease continued to accelerate.

Trump made the comments on a call with campaign staffers, seeking to pass blame for the pandemic and seemingly lamenting his inability to shift the national conversation.

“People are tired of Covid,” Trump said. “People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong.”

“Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him,” Trump added. “This guy’s a disaster.”

The president was referring to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and a member of the White House coronavirus task force. Trump has repeatedly sought to undermine and distort Fauci’s comments as the public health expert has called for the implementation of safety protocols throughout the pandemic.

“If there’s a reporter on [the call], you can have it just the way I said it, I couldn’t care less,” Trump said. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, adjusts his face mask as he ar
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, adjusts his face mask as he ar Al Drago/Pool via AP Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, adjusts his face mask as he arrives for a Senate hearing in June. He and other public health experts say masks help slow the spread of the coronavirus, but President Donald Trump has often mocked mask-wearing and has refused to back a national mask mandate.

The president returned to the theme in a series of tweets Monday afternoon, claiming Fauci “seems to get more airtime” than he does and contending that Fauci “said ‘no masks & let China in.’”

Early in the pandemic, Fauci didn’t recommend wearing masks out of concern there wouldn’t be enough for front-line workers, but he changed his tune once research showed simple homemade cloth masks worked.

Trump also criticized Fauci for wearing a Washington Nationals mask and having a “Bad arm!” — a reference to Fauci throwing the ceremonial first pitch for the team earlier this year. (Trump has never thrown a first pitch as president, despite several invitations. In July, Trump announced ― then said he had canceled ― plans to throw the first pitch at Yankee Stadium, only for a source to reveal that he’d never actually been invited.)

Roughly 30 minutes after Trump’s tweets, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) dismissed the president’s claims without mentioning him by name:

Dr. Fauci is one of our country’s most distinguished public servants. He has served 6 presidents, starting with Ronald Reagan. If more Americans paid attention to his advice, we’d have fewer cases of COVID-19, & it would be safer to go back to school & back to work & out to eat.
See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called out the president’s attacks as misplaced and counterproductive. He urged Trump to instead formulate a cohesive national strategy to confront the virus.

“Coronavirus infections are spiking across the country, but President Trump decided to attack Dr. Fauci again today ... instead of laying out a plan to beat this virus or heeding their advice about how we can save lives and get our economy moving again,” the Biden campaign said in a statement Monday afternoon.

“The American people have never backed down from a challenge,” the statement continued, “but they need a leader to show the way and all President Trump has done is cower and wallow in self-pity.”

Trump’s comments represent a doubling down on a new presidential pandemic strategy: Blame the experts.

On Sunday, Trump attempted to attack his opponent in the election by saying Biden would follow expert guidance if he were elected.

“He’ll listen to the scientists,” Trump warned at a campaign rally in Nevada. “If I listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression, instead of, we’re like a rocket ship. Take a look at the numbers.”

Broadly speaking, it is true that Trump has ignored established science. Evidence suggests, however, that his inaction has inflamed the pandemic and its economic repercussions, not made the situation better.

The president has steadfastly refused to endorse a national mask mandate, going so far as to block a draft order last month from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that would mandate that masks be worn on public transportation.

Scientists and medical experts consider masks to be an effective way to prevent transmission of the coronavirus and safely reopen the economy.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Coronavirus survives on skin five times longer than flu


TOKYO, Oct 18 (AFP): The coronavirus remains active on human skin for nine hours, Japanese researchers have found, in a discovery they said showed the need for frequent hand washing to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pathogen that causes the flu survives on human skin for about 1.8 hours by comparison, said the study published this month in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal.

"The nine-hour survival of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus strain that causes Covid-19) on human skin may increase the risk of contact transmission in comparison with IAV (influenza A virus), thus accelerating the pandemic," it said.

The research team tested skin collected from autopsy specimens, about one day after death.

Both the coronavirus and the flu virus are inactivated within 15 seconds by applying ethanol, which is used in hand sanitisers.

"The longer survival of SARS-CoV-2 on the skin increases contact-transmission risk; however, hand hygiene can reduce this risk," the study said.

The study backs World Health Organisation guidance for regular and thorough hand washing to limit transmission of the virus, which has infected nearly 40 million people around the world since it first emerged in China late last year. - AFP 

Source link


Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu | Johns Hopkins Medicine

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Turning the tide on Malaysia’s third Covid-19 wave; Staying safe at work



The country is fighting to level a third wave of Covid-19 infections. Here’s a look at how the third wave came about and how the cases have spread so far.

Turning the tide on Malaysia's third Covid-19 wave
THE pandemic has certainly upended all previous routines. It’s the era of the new norm now and with it comes plenty of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to observe.

In most workplaces, employees work side by side and employers have to implement distancing between work stations or assign half the crew to work from home to reduce headcount.

Other measures employers have taken include temperature scan, mandatory wearing of masks, placing hand sanitisers at various points, regular sanitisation of frequent touch points – all the while keeping an eye on the bottomline.

At Nestle (M) Bhd, throughout the different phases of this health crisis, the company has maintained robust communication across all levels in the organisation to keep the ties and values that bind the Nestle family strong.

“We swiftly transitioned to ‘work from home’ at the onset of the pandemic, providing tools and capabilities to all our office employees to perform their jobs effectively,” said Nestle (M) Bhd chief executive officer Juan Aranols.

“These arrangements have evolved during RMCO, but we still have around 50% of our office-based employees working from home.

“For all our colleagues at the factories, warehouses and sales offices, we adopted all necessary measures to ensure that the workplace is safe based on the Health Ministry guidelines and our own practices.

“We have also shared, coached and encouraged our suppliers and distribution partners to comply with all SOPs.”

Nestle also produced an employee health and hygiene handbook which outlines guidelines on health screenings, self-declaration on travel and close contacts, handwashing, wearing masks, physical distancing, as well as procedures on reporting a Covid-19 case at the workplace.

Additionally, Nestle has a rigorous contact tracing protocol that is activated once an employee presents symptoms from potential exposure to the virus.

At Lexis Hotel Group, the pandemic has strengthened the bonds within the organisastion.

“The safety and health of both our staff and our guests are top priorities, not to mention a shared responsibility.

“All of us at Lexis take this very seriously. We stay vigilant and have each other’s back.

“We work hand in hand to keep our resorts safe not only for guests but also for each and every one of our team members,” said Lexis Hotel Group president Mandy Chew Siok Cheng.

The group management set up a comprehensive guideline and SOPs that are entrusted to the whole team to maintain and practise at all times, including regular temperature checks and health updates, strict “mask-on” and hygiene policies as well as rotating shifts and adjusted working hours to maximise social distancing in the workspace.

“To keep our guests safe and happy, we need to first stay safe and high spirited ourselves.

“Being in the hospitality industry, we play host to everyone who walks through our doors every day. As such, we do everything to the best of our ability to ensure that they feel safe and comfortable at all times, so we certainly appreciate these SOPs and guidelines that enable us to do so better,” shared Chew.

At the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (Mitec), the challenge is in handling a large number of visitors.

Beyond the compulsory SOP set by the National Security Council, Mitec’s comprehensive workplace SOPs include continuous staff training; public awareness and multi-media displays on safety and health measures; physical distancing at staff work areas, public areas and event venues; ISO 22000 advanced food safety measures; routine surface cleaning; reduced touch points, as well as air quality control and daily monitoring systems.

With the resurgence in Covid-19 cases over the last week, updated work precautions have been issued to all Mitec team members, which include breaking work hours into three shifts to lower the number of people at the office.

“Mitec has an emergency management system in place with paramedics and health professionals on duty during business hours to immediately address any situation,” said Mitec chief executive officer Gunther Beissel.

“We are also the only trade fair venue in the country with our own in-house medical clinic including an isolation room if needed.

“There is an ambulance on standby during business hours and extended hours during events.

“I am proud to say that every staff member has embedded this new norm into their daily operations and has remained vigilant at all times to help combat the pandemic,” he said. 
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