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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cyber-attacks on China

 The Register® — Biting the hand that feeds IT By Phil Muncaster

India, Asia #1 world's top weapons importer!

 A study has found India to be the biggest weapons importer.

STOCKHOLM AFP— Asia leads the world when it comes to weapon imports, according to a study released Monday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

 World arms trade (AFP Graphic)

Globally the volume of international transfers of major conventional weapons was 24 percent higher in the period 2007-11 compared to the 2002-06 period, the report said.

Over the past five years, Asia and Oceania accounted for 44 percent in volume of conventional arms imports, the institute said.

That compared with 19 percent for Europe, 17 percent for the Middle East, 11 percent for North and South America, and 9 percent for Africa, said the report.

India was the biggest arms importer in the period covered, 2007-11, accounting for 10 percent in weapons volume.

 India is the world's largest arms importer (AFP/File, Raveendran)
File photo shows Indian soldiers firing a Bofors gun 

It was followed by South Korea (6 percent), China and Pakistan (both 5 percent), and Singapore (4 percent), according to the independent institute which specialises in arms control and disarmament matters.

These five countries accounted for almost a third, 30 percent, of the volume of international arms imports, said SIPRI.

"India's imports of major weapons increased by 38 percent between 2002-06 and 2007-11," SIPRI said.

"Notable deliveries of combat aircraft during 2007-11 included 120 Su-30MKs and 16 MiG-29Ks from Russia and 20 Jaguar Ss from the United Kingdom," it said.

While India was the world's largest importer, its neighbour and sometime foe Pakistan was the third largest.

Pakistan took delivery of "a significant quantity of combat aircraft during this period: 50 JF-17s from China and 30 F-16s," the report added.

Both countries "have taken and will continue to take delivery of large quantities of tanks," it also noted.

"Major Asian importing states are seeking to develop their own arms industries and decrease their reliance on external sources of supply," said Pieter Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme.

China, which in 2006 and 2007 was the world's top arms importer, has now dropped to fourth place.

"The decline in the volume of Chinese imports coincides with the improvements in China's arms industry and rising arms exports," according to the report.

 File photo shows Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) …

But "while the volume of China's arms exports is increasing, this is largely a result of Pakistan importing more arms from China," it added.

"China has not yet achieved a major breakthrough in any other significant market."

China is however the sixth largest world exporter of weapons behind the United States, Russia, Germany, France and Britain.

In Europe, Greece was the largest importer between 2007 and 2011, the institute said.

Between 2002 and 2011, Syria increased its imports of weapons by 580 percent -- the bulk supplied by Russia -- while Venezuela boosted its imports over the same period by 555 percent, it reported.

Throughout the Middle East as a whole, weapons imports decreased by eight percent over the period of the survey.

However SIPRI warned "this trend will soon be reversed."

Tunisia, where mass protests ousted strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali early last year, launched the so-called Arab Spring and inspired similar movements in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere.

"During 2011, the governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Syria used imported weapons in the suppression of peaceful demonstrations among other alleged violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

"The transfer of arms to states affected by the Arab Spring has provoked public and parliamentary debate in a number of supplier states," the report said.

The volume of deliveries of "major conventional weapons" to African nations increased by a massive 110 percent in 2007-2011 over the previous five-year period, with deliveries to North Africa up by 273 percent.

Morocco saw its own imports increase by 443 percent, the report added.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Malaysia's household debt rise a concern

PETALING JAYA: While not an imminent danger, the level of household debt is of concern and warrants close monitoring, RAM Ratings head of financial institution ratings Wong Yin Ching said,

The nation’s household debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) had risen to 77% as at end-2011 compared with 69% at end-2006, and its household debt-to-GDP ratio was considered high when compared with other countries in the region, especially in relation to GDP per capita.

Wong was speaking to StarBiz after the release of the rating agency’s Banking Bulletin 2012. Home loans remained the largest component, contributing about 45% of the total household debt, she added.

However, unsecured financing in the form of personal loans and credit-cards had been growing rapidly, accounting for about 15% and 5% of total household debt, respectively.

Development financial institutions, cooperatives and building societies that offer personal financing facilities to civil servants under salary-deduction schemes contributed to the bulk of the growth, she noted.

“We view positively Bank Negara’s various pre-emptive measures implemented since late 2010 to rein in growth in household debt and safeguard the soundness of the financial system.

“On top of the tighter measures on residential property financing, stricter guidelines have also been implemented on credit cards, such as increasing the income eligibility criteria.

“We do not discount additional prudential regulations to be imposed in future,” Wong said.

Effective Jan 1, banks are required to use net income calculation method instead of gross income when computing debt-service ratio.

Wong added that unemployment rate was still relatively low at 3% and the credit quality of household sector was also healthy, with a low gross impaired-loan ratio of 1.8% as at end-January 2012 (end-2010:2.3%).

Nevertheless, she said the debt-servicing ability of households in the lower-income segment might be more vulnerable to economic down-cycles, greater variability in income and inflationary pressures.

On loan growth, RAM Ratings expects the overall banking system’s loan growth to taper to about 8% to 9% this year, after clocking in a strong 14% expansion in 2011. This is supported by a projected 4.6% real GDP growth this year, which is slightly lower than the 5% in 2011.

Private investments, she said were expected to remain strong, although a weakening in global demand would have some bearing on export performance.

Wong anticipates the central bank to remain accommodative in its monetary policy by maintaining the overnight policy rate at 3% with a downside bias in 2012, as preserving growth momentum would take precedence over curbing inflationary pressures.

While a more moderate household loan growth was anticipated due to the prudential regulations introduced, she added this would be balanced by stronger financing demand from the commercial and corporate sector from the rollout of projects under the Economic Transformation Programme and 10th Malaysia Plan.

For non-performing loans this year, she said the industry’s gross impaired-loan ratio was expected to be kept healthy this year, with a slight uptick to about 3% from the current all time low level of 2.7%.

“In terms of capitalisation, all the domestic, all the domestic banks were well poised to meet the new capital requirements under Basel III, of which the implementation would be phased in from 2013,” she added.

Although these new capital measures would elevate banks’ funding costs, which may in turn be passed on to consumers, it would ensure the banking sector was safeguarded against unexpected shocks, Wong said.

As at end-January, the banking system’s capitalisation was strong with a tier-1 risk-weighted capital adequacy ratio of 12.9%.

Banks’ profitability, she said had been on a steady rise over the last couple of years on the back of strong loan growth, benign loan impairment charges and growing fee income. However, net interest margins (NIMs) had been under pressure due to stiff price competition, particularly in certain loan segments such as residential mortgages.

NIM is a measure of the difference between interest income generated by banks and interest paid out to depositors.


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Malaysia's household debt on the rise