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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are Malaysia a target for regime change?


The forces that shape Washington’s attitude towards Malaysian politics and political leaders may have a hidden agenda.

IN his widely read blog (Feb 13, 2012), the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, criticises the politics of regime change pursued by the United States of America.

He is concerned that Malaysia may also be a target for regime change. And the US candidate to head the new regime which will be in full, complete support of US policies, he says, is none other than the Leader of the Opposition, (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim.

Why should the US government seek regime change in Malaysia when the present Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, has sought to further strengthen ties with Washington?

He has even employed a Washington-based public relations firm, Apco, to boost Malaysia’s image in the US. Najib’s personal relations with US President Barack Obama are supposed to be “excellent”.

And yet it is quite conceivable that the forces that shape Washington’s attitude towards Malaysian politics and political leaders may prefer Anwar to Najib for a number of reasons.

One, while Najib may have some rapport with formal leaders and the formal state, it is Anwar who has intimate links with the “deep state” in the US system.

It is the deep state represented by powerful interests such as the Zionist lobbies, the Christian Right, the bigwigs on Wall Street, the oil barons, the arms merchants and the media Moghuls which is in effective control.

To appreciate the distinction between the two, one has to reflect on Obama’s Cairo speech on June 4, 2009, which stated explicitly that “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements” but in reality the formal leader has had to yield to the Zionists and the Christian Right who are enthusiastic promoters of Zionist expansion at the expense of the Palestinians.

Anwar’s entry into the deep state was through his close friendship with Paul Wolfowitz, the former US Deputy Secretary of Defence and one of the staunchest champions of Zionist power.

It was mainly because of Wolfowitz that Anwar became the first chairman of the Foundation for the Future in 2005, an organisation established ostensibly to promote democracy in West Asia and North Africa (WANA), but whose real purpose is to perpetuate US-Israeli hegemony over the region.

Even before this, in 1998, in the midst of the Asian financial crisis, Anwar was espousing an IMF-type solution to the nation’s economic woes, thus revealing his political orientation.

This is why during his first two trials for abuse of power and sodomy between 1998 and 2004 and during his recent trial for sodomy, the mainstream Western media went out of its way to demand that the Malaysian authorities acquit Anwar.

Wolfowitz and former US Vice-President, Al Gore even penned a joint opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal on Aug 4, 2010, urging the US government to persuade the Malaysian Government to “ act with wisdom” in Anwar’s trial.

A day before he was acquitted, on Jan 8, 2012, The Washington Post in an editorial warned that “If the verdict fails that test (Malaysia’s commitment to democracy and the rule of law), there should be consequences for Mr Najib’s relations with Washington.”

This was an undisguised, unabashed attempt by one of the media pillars of the deep state to pressurise a sovereign nation to submit to its will.

Two, if Anwar is the darling of the deep state in the US, it is partly because of his stand on Israel. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Jan 26, 2012, he reiterated his support for “all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel”.

It should be emphasised here that support for Israeli security – contrary to what he is saying now – was not contingent on “Israel respecting the aspirations of the Palestinians”.

In the interview, Israel’s security stands by itself. It is diplomatic recognition of Israel that Anwar links to Palestinian aspirations.

Placing Israel’s security on a pedestal is the sort of gesture that the deep state and Zionists the world over laud, especially if the advocate is a Muslim leader. For Israel’s security has become the justification for all its policies of occupation, annexation and aggression in the last 63 years.

Israel’s security is the albatross around the neck of the dispossessed Palestinians and other Arabs who have lost their land and dignity to the occupying power.

It is obvious that by acknowledging the primacy of Israeli security, Anwar was sending a clear message to the deep state and to Tel Aviv and Washington – that he is someone that they could trust.
In contrast, the Najib government, in spite of its attempts to get closer to Washington, remains critical of Israeli aggression and intransigence.

Najib has described the Israeli government as a “serial killer” and a “gangster”. This has incensed the deep state.

Anwar, on the other hand, told Zionist friends in Washington two years ago that he regretted using terms such as “Zionist aggression” (Jackson Diehl “Flirting with zealotry in Malaysia” The Washington Post, June 28, 2010).

Three, Anwar is the choice of the deep state for another reason which in its own reckoning is becoming almost as important as Israel. This is the rise of China and what it means for US global hegemony.

Elements within the deep state appear to have convinced Obama that China is a threat to its neighbours and to the US’s dominant role in the Asia-Pacific.

Establishing a military base in Darwin, resurrecting the US’ military alliance with the Philippines, coaxing Japan to play a more overt military role in the region, instigating Vietnam to confront China over the Spratly islands, and encouraging India to counterbalance Chinese power, are all part and parcel of the larger US agenda of encircling and containing China.

In pursuing this agenda, the US wants reliable allies – not just friends – in Asia.

In this regard, Malaysia is important because of its position as a littoral state with sovereign rights over the Straits of Malacca, which is one of China’s most critical supply routes that transports much of the oil and other materials vital for its economic development.

Will the containment of China lead to a situation where the hegemon determined to perpetuate its dominant power seek to exercise control over the Straits in order to curb China’s ascendancy?

Would a trusted ally in Kuala Lumpur facilitate such control?

The current Malaysian leadership does not fit the bill. It has sustained and deepened the bond of friendship between Malaysia and China through increased bilateral trade and investments.

China is Malaysia’s biggest trading partner globally and Malaysia is China’s biggest trading partner within Asean.

China is most appreciative of the fact that Malaysia under the late Tun Razak was the first non-communist country in South-East Asia to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1974.

When his son Najib became Prime Minister in April 2009, China was the first country outside Asean that he visited.

In a number of regional and international forums, Malaysia has maintained that China is not a threat to its neighbours and does not seek global dominance.

These are views that do not accord with the deep state’s bellicose stance towards China. It explains why the deep state may be inclined towards regime change in Kuala Lumpur.

> Dr Chandra Muzaffar is president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and Professor of Global Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Related post:
Washington seeks to extend hegemony to trade

Saturday, March 3, 2012

See opportunities in adversity


I HAVE been having fun. Good fun. Five trips in the last 30 days. Holidays, business meetings, visiting my kids and watching the Il Divo concert in Jakarta with my wife. So my apologies to the readers who wrote in and have not received any reply from me.

One of my trips was to visit our supplier in Bangkok. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that his company did very well last year despite the tsunami and earthquake in Japan and the three-month flooding of Bangkok. He picked up additional Japanese customers who lost their regular suppliers because of the tsunami. Luckily for him, his factory and surroundings were not flooded, so again he picked up new customers.

No businessmen can predict how natural disasters will affect their business. There is a major element of luck. Good luck or bad luck.

I was also amazed that his company has been growing steadily through the years of continuous political turmoil in Thailand, frequent change of governments, street demonstrations, riots and street bombings. Still, it is business as usual. Especially for tourism. Their airport was crowded and immigration was horrendous. In comparison, the KLIA felt like a ghost town.

Over dinner, he explained that except for southern Thailand, the rest of the country has a homogenous society. No racial or religious issues. Only corrupted and power crazy politicians. I felt comforted. We are not alone.

All Thai companies and citizens have equal opportunity in business and education. So generally, entrepreneur wannabes can participate openly in almost every sector of the economy without government interference. Except for those businesses hijacked by politicians and their cronies. I comforted him. They are not alone

I have always joked with my Singaporean business friends that Malaysian entrepreneurs are much, much more creative than theirs. We have to be sensitive to additional external issues like religion, race and government/political business units. And only then, we start worrying about our business at hand and our real business competitors.

Singaporean entrepreneurs just have to be hardworking and efficient and they will make a good living. How boring it must be for them.

My good friend from the Philippines has gone through more hardships in his business life than all the other Asean counterparts combined. Political upheavals, natural disasters, warlords, gangsters, corrupted armies and an economically poor consumer population. But he is always wearing a smile on his face and treats each setback as a natural unavoidable event. As a devout Catholic, he feels God is always testing him.

To all those entrepreneur wannabes in Malaysia who are not sure of the type of business that you want to invest in, my advice is to go into a business that is not dominated by GLCs, a business that will not create issues with religion or race, and avoid investing in potentially natural disaster areas.

You will be stupid if you invest in residential and industrial properties in flood-prone areas or near toxic waste plants. God forbid if there is a major flood or an accident in an industrial toxic waste plant, you will be an unlucky owner of properties in a ghost town.

It is important that entrepreneurs understand the political and economic environment that your business operates in. This will greatly reduce the element of luck in your strategic planning and give you more certainty in forecasting the trend. Like my Asean friends have demonstrated, there is always opportunities in adversity or unnatural events.

For those who are looking for business opportunities, the coming 13th General Election is a big pot of gold, just in case you are not aware of it. Media companies are rubbing their hands in glee at the potential additional advertising revenue forthcoming.

Printers of outdoor materials and posters are preparing their raw materials due to short order cycles. Soft-drink and mineral water suppliers are salivating at the sharp spike in consumption. Caterers will make a killing handling all the kenduris. Coffee shops in sleepy towns, hotels and motels are prepared to raise prices at a moment's notice.

Then there is the cash handouts to the general population. Consumption of economic goods will increase substantially. Money supply in the economy will double. The general election is expected to contribute an additional 1% to our GDP growth, a point I am sure that has been accrued in our Economic Transformation Programme.

Malaysian entrepreneurs must learn from our Asean counterparts. See opportunities in adversity. Prepare for natural disasters or unnatural events. Stay calm when your environment is in crisis. Trust your luck. And you will do just fine.

The writer is an entrepreneur who hopes to shares his experience and insights with readers who want to take that giant leap into business but are not sure if they should. Email him at

Bank Negara Malaysia lending guideline is a blessing in disguise?


ENVIRONMENTALISTS and green champions must be applauding the lower number of cars that have been sold since Bank Negara's latest directive to banks to disburse the quantum of household loan based on a borrower's net income instead of gross income.

Since Jan 1, banks have to use net income instead of gross income to calculate the debt service ratio for loans. The guideline covers housing, personal and car loans, credit cards, receivables and loans for the purchase of securities.

The effectiveness of the ruling can be seen in the lower number of vehicles sold in January. At 40,948 units, it was 14% lower than in December 2011 and a 25% drop against January last year.

This goes to show that many of those who previously managed to sign up for new car loans and other types of consumer loans could be grossly over-geared and may have inadequate disposable household income. What's left of one's income after deducting payment for loan servicing, income tax and contribution to the Employees Provident Fund, differs from individual to individual, depending on one's financial commitment.

Don't forget that for many sole breadwinners, they also have to shoulder a host of other payments - spouse and children's household expenses and education fees, pocket money to ageing parents and dependents, and other miscellaneous expenses. The list goes on.

The central bank has good reasons to rein in the rising ratio of household loan to income as the benefits are manifold.

The measure should be applauded as I believe the right policy is the first step to steer people in the right direction of living within their means rather than allowing them to become dependent on debts to maintain their lifestyle.

With the prevailing uncertainties in the world today, it is a good time for families to consolidate their household income and expenses account. And along the way they can point out to their young ones about the virtues of being contented with what they have.

Instead of rushing to place booking for a new car whenever a new model comes out, it is nothing wrong to drive around in an older model as long as the vehicle is road worthy.

Don't forget that our young ones are always watching us, the adults, as their role model. In many ways, they are a mirror of what we are, so it is important for us to watch our thoughts, words and deeds. Remember the saying, “What goes around, comes around.”

As a mother to two teenage girls, I know - even our facial and body language would be scrutinised for “signs” of approval or disapproval. A friend had once vouched that her teenage girl (girls are said to be more mentally discerning) even use telepathy to read her mind - so beware of what goes on in our head when in their presence.

Come to think of it, since less people qualify for loans to buy cars now, it may be an opportune time to revert to cycling or better still, walking.

Cycling and walking are certainly more sustainable modes of moving around, more environmentally friendly and healthier options.

When there are less vehicles on the roads and facilities are provided for pedestrians and cyclists, such as covered walkways and bicycle lanes on roads and highways, the walking and cycling vogue is bound to take off.

Less petrol would be consumed and there would be less pollution from vehicular emissions.

As for the property sector, the net income formula and maximum loan-to-value ratio of 70% for a third and subsequent housing loan taken by a borrower would avert unhealthy speculative activities and rein in sharp jump in property prices.

The lower loan quantum would inadvertently increase demand for affordable housing products and developers would have to redesign their products to cater to this market.

The same maxim applies: If the house is still functional, stay put first. Moving into a newer and trendier place, although is a status symbol, incurs cost and may involve higher loan commitment.

Nevertheless, those with the means and surplus cash to spare can opt to invest in multiple properties as they still offer one of the best hedge against inflation.

Deputy news editor Angie Ng says amid the uncertainties eclipsing the world today, major overhauls need to be made to the way people live, and key to this is to be sustainable.

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