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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A show of peace and harmony


In London, the British Museum puts on an exhibition on the haj and all aspects of the pilgrimage through the ages. Nearby, artifacts of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms are on show. It is a place that unites people of diverse faiths and backgrounds.
English: A picture of people performing (circu...
Image via Wikipedia

MECCA is a city of surprises. The landscape may be bleak, but everything changes once you’re within the city as the extraordinarily rich texture of the Muslim world unfolds around you, from the sleek magnificence of the Masjid al-Haram to the liveliness of the street markets and souks.

Ten years ago, when I first visited the Holy Land for an umrah swiftly followed by the full haj a few months later, I remember being enthralled by the amazing diversity of my fellow pilgrims: their weather-worn faces were redolent of history, romance and drama.

There were dignified-looking Persian clerics in their long flowing black gowns, ebullient West African traders who were tall, big-boned and wearing white robes, deeply tanned Tajiks and tens of thousands of Bangladeshi villagers.

Regal Sudanese rubbed shoulders with Baluch and Pathan tribesmen, haughty-looking Cairo housewives, Levantine shopkeepers, Javanese and the occasional European or American.

Watch Obama's Video:<>
 (This is a video that Sean Hannity of FOX News has been trying to show that has consistently been blocked by the Obama Administration for several weeks. Watch it now before it gets pulled from the Internet!)

There was a moment when I felt as if the entire world was alongside me as I circumambulated the Kaaba.

Even back then, the city was undergoing tremendous change as increased prosperity in the Muslim world fuelled the number of pilgrims.

Roads and tunnels were being blasted into existence; buildings were being torn down or hastily constructed — a mishmash of styles that left me wondering what the originals looked like.

All of this came back to me as I walked around the British Museum’s very elegant exhibition titled Hajj: journey to the Heart of Islam (open until mid-April).

For anyone interested in understanding the haj, the exquisitely-curated show (in partnership with Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz Public Library and sponsored by HSBC Amanah) is a superb eye-opener.

The haj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, something every Muslim must do at least once in his or her lifetime if possible.

For many Muslims, it is one of the most important events in their lives, a journey to save and sacrifice for.

Last November, it’s estimated that more than three million Muslims converged on Mecca for the five-day ritual, one of the largest annual human assemblies in the world.

The British Museum’s exhibition is thorough and thought-provoking. Located inside the museum’s iconic Atrium, the exhibition focuses on all aspects of the pilgrimage through the ages.

The displays ranged from the haj’s origins and rituals, down to the long (and often perilous) journeys that the pilgrims were forced to take.

Indeed, much of the exhibition is devoted to the great distances and dangers that the pilgrims were forced to brave – crossing the Sahara and Gobi deserts or traversing the Indian Ocean.

Despite the diversity, there remains an underlying unity, an inexplicable oneness of sorts.

Of course, the ihram (white pilgrims’ robes) and the starkness of the landscape reinforce a sense of purity and simplicity of purpose.

But then again, maybe it’s also present in the determination and resolute faith of those undertaking the haj – a fixity of purpose that unites pilgrims whether they’re from Mali, Azerbaijan or China, not to mention the rich and the poor.

Having had my fill of the exhibition, I wandered out of the Atrium and onto the Asia exhibits in the gorgeously laid-out Hotung Gallery.

Artefacts imbued with faith were also on display here: Thai and Khmer sculptures of the Buddha stood next to bronze statues from Hindu temples in southern India.

And yet for some reason, I, as a Muslim from South-East Asia also felt very much at ease as I strolled past these historic items.

Could it have been because they were also part of my heritage and my past?

I also found it profound that the haj and Islam – a faith of complete submission to Allah – should be so celebrated in a museum, the product of the humanistic enlightenment with its opposing and single-minded focus on mankind.

Another thought struck me: the majority of the visitors to the exhibition were clearly non-Muslims, people of many different faiths who were eager and sufficiently open to want to learn more about Islam.

It occurred to me that I would have to wait a very long time to see a similar exhibition on, say, Easter or Hindu rituals at a major museum in a majority-Muslim city such as Cairo, Karachi or even Kuala Lumpur and this thought saddened me.

So, in a corner of London not far from the traffic of Oxford Street and the echoing courtyards of the Inns of Court, I came across an exhibition that united peoples of diverse faiths and backgrounds – uniting them all momentarily in a quest for knowledge, as a museum became a haven of harmony and peace.

Why Is Creativity More Important Than Capitalism?

Creativity (Photo credit: Mediocre2010)
Haydn Shaughnessy, ForbesContributor

Do you know your creativity quotient?  Creativity sounds a little weak, a touchy-feely topic, but it turns to be one of the most important memes of the past 100 years, and very definitely ranks alongside concepts (or ideologies) like capitalism in the pantheon of big ideas.

I admit to being a creativity sceptic. When it came into vogue thirty years ago I cringed. Creative? What’s wrong with busy? Or dedicated. Or hard working. But creativity’s rise – measured by the use of terms “creative” and “creativity” in Google‘s nGram database – has been relentless for over a century. It is NO fad.

For those that don’t know it the nGram database contains roughly 4% of all books ever published, in the case of this data in the USA and Britain.

The problem of creativity – how to manifest it in disciplined environments – hasn’t changed much during that period.

But if you look at the chart below you can get a sense of its importance.  The use of “creative” dwarfs terms like technological progress and scientific progress.

In fact digging a little deeper I found out:

The use of the language of creativity is increasing when people write about scientific progress. Progress itself is a term in declining use, seemingly replaced by the idea of creativity, at least in the sciences. You can’s see that from the chart – to get to that data I examined the use of a variety of terms over the period 1960 – 2010.
The best Google nGram data goes up to 2000 but I checked search interest in these terms, post 2000, and the patterns continue.

The use of creativity is increasing in business and management literature, declining where people write about religion and education, and of course rising when people write about cities.

Jonah Leher’s book Imagine underlines the slacker nature of creativity but also it’s importance. Let’s face it the quest to be more creative as a society is as old as (modern) business.

Creativity is big in entertainment too, naturally, if entertainment is taken to include art and music but surprise, surprise the use of the term in entertainment declined in the period 1981 – 2000, while it increased in association with business and management.

Is all this just a reflection of publishers pumping more books out? No, all data is normalised.

Is there anything to conclude from the data?  The themes of creativity have been pretty consistent down the years – how organizations stifle it, how necessary it is, and how it creates risk.

The one lacking ingredient seems to be a creative answer to those problems, though I think we may be on the cusp of one (more of that later in the week).

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let’s all be Malaysians first & Proud to be Malaysian !!

HOW right Wong Sai Wan is in The Star column “How frail our unity is”, that our so-called “togetherness and unity” is only “skin deep” and at “surface level” at best.

As a Malaysian who has lived in this country for 60 years, I can only say that the depth of our “unity” is receding as the years roll by instead of becoming deeper. It is not only “skin deep”.

Racial and religious politics have taken a toll on the fabric of society as more and more people are identifying themselves first by “race and religion” instead of nationality (“Malaysian”).

If we do not arrest this slide, we will become a nation divided. We must make serious efforts to stem this tide.

I believe there are three main areas we need to look into, and politicians must be on the frontline to stem this tide.

Politicians from both sides must stop harping on our differences, be it religious or racial.

Religious leaders must ensure that religion is not forced onto others, or making one religion more important than the other.

Every effort must be made by society at large to view ourselves as “Malaysians first” rather than by race.

Indonesia is a classic example of how the different races view themselves as “ Indonesians first”. Ask a Chinese in Indonesia who he is and the reply will be “I am Indonesian”.

The media, like Wong said, must ensure that it does not play up sentiments of any kind but report the news as it is, from a “human view point” rather than race or religion.

In schools, especially, the heads must ensure that the children view each other as “ classmates” rather than by race.

There must also be a healthy “mix” at all levels of employment of the people of different races.

This will help us view each other as “ workmates” rather than racial individuals.

1Malaysia can only be achieved when we are “ Malaysian first” rather than portraying ourselves by our race.

All forms or documents must not highlight race or religion unless absolutely necessary.

Unity can only be strengthened if efforts are made, not through slogans, advertisements or banners.

Let us as Malaysians take this step to view each other as just that. I am Malaysian.


Proud to be Malaysian

I WRITE in response to “Liow: Govt wants more ethnic groups to join the civil service” (The Star, Feb 20).

In that article, Gerakan Youth secretary-general Dr Dominic Lau was quoted as saying that “unlike Americans, who were proud to call themselves Americans regardless of their race, not many Malaysians could identify themselves as Malaysian first”.

That is a totally outrageous remark. I would say Malaysians are proud of their nationality.

This is my personal experience being a student overseas.

I am an international postgraduate student in Brisbane, Australia.

Whenever people ask where I come from, I would proudly tell them I’m a Malaysian, coming from Ipoh. Some are confused as my ethnicity is Chinese yet I’m not from China, Taiwan or Hong Kong.

I elaborate by saying my ancestors came from China and I’m a third generation Chinese in Malaysia. But China is not my country. My country is Malaysia.

The fact that I’m a Malaysian makes me unique, being able to communicate not only in Mandarin and Cantonese but also in Bahasa Malaysia and English.

I have no problems communicating with people from various backgrounds, all thanks to my upbringing in Malaysia.

I’m not denying my Chinese roots of course, but when people ask my race, I say I’m Malaysian, and by ethnicity I’m a Malaysian Chinese.

There are many Malaysian student bodies in Queensland’s universities and we are all proud of telling the world that we are Malaysian. We don’t feel embarrassed being Malaysian.

During Malaysian roadshows, we proudly display the Malaysian flag, introduce Malaysian cultures as well as the great heritage of Malaysia.

Malaysia is blessed with natural resources, peace and diversity. Are we not proud being Malaysian? Yes we are!

I think the problem is back in Malaysia where politicians tend to separate the rakyat based on ethnicity.

Each political party champions only its people – Party A for Malay, Party B for Chinese, Party C for Indian, and the rest for “lain-lain”. But we are Malaysian.

It is not that we cannot identify ourselves as Malaysian first but when we fill up forms – bank forms, government documents – there’s always a column for race.

It makes it seem as if we will be treated differently if we state our ethnicity.

After half a century of independence, we are still forced to identify ourselves based on ethnicity.

Now, if we don’t call ourselves Malaysian first, is it the rakyat’s fault or the politician’s fault?

We are Malaysian, and we couldn’t be prouder, if you can’t hear us, we shout a little louder ... 1Malaysia!!!

WONG WENG-YEW, Brisbane, Australia.

Related post:

 How frail the Malaysian unity!