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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Pentagon report hypes 'China threat' to sustain own hegemony, China's military power only makes those with malicious intent feel 'threatened

The US' "China Military Power report," like its previous editions, ignores the facts and is filled with bias, spreading the "China threats" theory which only serves as an excuse to maintain its military hegemony, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday, in response to a Pentagon report that warned Beijing is building up its nuclear and long-range missiles arsenal "faster than previous projections."

The newly-released annual Pentagon document claimed that China has more than 500 operational nuclear warheads as of May 2023, surpassing earlier projections, and forecast that China would likely have more than 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030.

Describing China as a "pacing challenge," the US Defense Department report also said that Beijing may be exploring the development of conventionally-armed long-range missiles that could reach the US. It said that Beijing has completed the construction of three new fields of long-range ballistic missiles silos.

Mao Ning, a spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said on Friday that China is firmly committed to a defensive nuclear strategy, and has always maintained nuclear forces at the lowest level required for national security, and has no intention of engaging in a nuclear arms race with any country.

China has a unique nuclear policy among nuclear weapon states and has maintained a high degree of stability, consistency and predictability, Mao said, "No country will be threatened by China's nuclear weapons as long as it does not use or threaten to use them against China."

We urge the US to abandon its Cold War mentality and hegemonic logic, to view China's strategic intentions and national defense development objectively and rationally, to stop publishing such irresponsible reports year after year, and to take practical actions to maintain the stability of the military-to-military relationship between the two sides, Mao said.

Chinese military expert Zhang Junshe said that it's hilarious that a country with more than 5,000 nuclear warheads says another nation poses a threat.

In 2020, Fu Cong, then director general of the Department of Arms Control and Disarmament, cited statistics from renowned international think tanks, pointing out that the US nuclear arsenal stands at about 5,800 nuclear warheads.

Even if China does have 500 nuclear warheads, they are not even close to the size of the US' arsenal. In addition, the number of US strategic nuclear submarines, strategic bombers, and the number of warheads they carry are far higher than any other country in the world, including China, Zhang remarked.

For fiscal year 2024, the US defense budget request hit another record high of $842 billion, more than the gross domestic product of Saudi Arabia for the entire year of 2021, and 20 percent higher than the combined defense budgets of nine countries, including China, Russia, India, and the UK, according to Xinhua.

According to Zhang, the US is developing a new generation of strategic nuclear weapons, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), sea-based strategic missiles and airborne nuclear weapons, a new generation of nuclear submarines, and strategic bombers.

In addition, the US is miniaturizing nuclear weapons for so-called tactical use, namely, lowering the threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, Zhang said, "The US is also considering resuming the storage of nuclear weapons in other countries, such as the UK, a Cold War era practice of nuclear sharing with allies."

The hyping of the "China threats" is nothing but a search for excuses for Washington's uncontrolled nuclear arsenal expansion, and to discredit and suppress China's normal military development, so as to maintain absolute military superiority, Zhang said.

'Undesirable hobby'

The report smeared China's military modernization as a means of projecting power across the Pacific region and ultimately around the globe, saying China's strength is growing in all the domains of warfare, including the traditional land, air and sea, as well as nuclear, cyber and space, according to CNN.

The 212-page report also mentioned the word "Taiwan" 261 times, highlighting the Chinese mainland's "military pressure" against the island.

The US is worried that the increase of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's military capability could pose challenges to US military hegemony, thus affecting the US political hegemony and global hegemony, Chinese military expert and TV commentator Song Zhongping told the Global Times on Friday.

Given that the report was released ahead of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, a China-hosted platform on defense and security issues, Chinese analysts believed it was also aimed at entrapping Chinese neighbors, cajoling them to resist and oppose China's normal military development so that they can be better "utilized" by the US in the Asia-Pacific region.

As the world's largest nuclear state, the US has not made a commitment not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, as China has done, as well as a commitment not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries and regions. Instead, the US has even been aggressive, emphasizing the pre-emptive use of nuclear forces, according to Zhang.

The nuclear strategy of the US is global in its scope. When it provides nuclear umbrellas and even nuclear sharing to some allies, it poses a serious threat to other countries, and at the same time is extremely destructive to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation around the world, and ultimately exacerbates regional tensions, Song said.

In July, the US deployed a nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine to South Korea for the first time since 1980s. North Korea later fired two short-range ballistic missiles into its eastern waters as a response to the "grave provocation," media reported.

The problem that the US poses to global security is its nuclear superiority and military power, said a Beijing-based expert. "When it comes to the resolution of regional crises, the US is inclined to resort to the use of force, either by itself or through its allies. And the US' absolute military strength and nuclear power has further encouraged that undesirable hobby."

"The US, with the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world, follows a first-use nuclear deterrence policy, keeps making enormous investment to upgrade its nuclear triad, advances forward deployment of strategic forces, and strengthens extended deterrence for its allies," Mao said. "These policies and acts heighten the risk of a nuclear arms race and nuclear conflict, and will only adversely affect the global strategic security environment."


US media is currently attempting to redirect the current Israel-Palestine conflict toward the rise of China. The New York Times, in an article titled "New Global Divisions on View as Biden Goes to Israel and Putin to China," directly contrasts .

China's military power only makes those with malicious intent feel 'threatened'


The US Department of Defense (DoD) released its annual report to Congress on "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China" (China military power report) on Thursday. People familiar with China-US relations know that since 2000, the Pentagon has issued this report every year, which basically compiles some public information, including media reports with unknown sources, into a "collection of annual China threat theories" in a bid to request funding from Congress and deceive allies into buying US weapons. As a result, one can imagine the level of professionalism in this report.

The China military power report can be roughly divided into three parts. First, it assesses China's current military capabilities without any real basis. Second, it selectively hypes China's military activities over the past year. Third, it distorts and speculates about China's military intentions. This year's report has an additional section - complaints about China's "resistance" to military-to-military communications with the US.

By combining these factors, the US attempts to fabricate a terrifying image of China, whose military strength is rapidly increasing, military behavior is becoming more aggressive, and "military ambitions" are insufficiently transparent. All the malicious speculations and smears about China's military in the report are far from the reality of China's military situation, but instead resemble a reflection of the US military itself.

The Pentagon's report always focuses on China's modernization of its nuclear capabilities and makes groundless speculations and comments on the situation in the Taiwan Straits. It is worth noting that this year's report claims that the DoD estimates that China possessed more than 500 operational nuclear warheads as of May 2023 - on track to exceeding previous projections, and that China will probably have over 1,000 operational nuclear warheads by 2030. In the 2020 report, the DoD made its first public estimate of China's nuclear warheads, and said its nuclear arsenal was slightly more than 200. In just three years, the number of China's nuclear warheads in the US report has more than doubled. Common sense dictates that on such a significant issue, the US report has not shown the required rigor. The specific number depends on the needs of the Pentagon and Washington at different times.

The US needs to understand two points. First, China pursues the strategic thinking of active defense, and the deployment of nuclear forces is part of its defense strategy. However, no matter how many nuclear warheads China has or how strong its defense capabilities are, they will not become violent tools for China to dominate the world, as is the case with the US military. Instead, they are a strong guarantee for China to safeguard its national sovereignty, security, and development interests, as well as regional and global peace. Second, the development of China's defense force has its own established pace, it does not target any specific country, but it firmly safeguards China's sovereignty, security, and developmental interests. As long as China has not achieved reunification and external forces continue to interfere without restraint, China will not cease to strengthen its defense capabilities.

In addition, many have also noticed that this year's report highlights the PLA's so-called coercive and risky operational behavior in the past two years. The Pentagon even presented videos and photos of Chinese military aircraft "intercepting US military aircraft flying in international airspace with dangerous maneuvers," claiming Chinese aircraft have adopted more dangerous, coercive and provocative actions toward the US and its allies in the airspace of East China Sea and South China Sea. However, what the Pentagon never mentions is that this so-called international airspace is primarily located along China's coast, with some US aircraft even intruding into China's territorial waters, while none of these incidents occurred along the US coast. Doesn't this already make the point clear? If we were to reverse the situation, in an atmosphere where even harmless balloons create a sense of impending crisis in Washington, the reaction from the US side would likely be far more significant if Chinese warships or aircraft appeared in international waters and airspace outside San Francisco Bay, beyond just what is termed "dangerous intercepts."

The US, with the most powerful armed forces in the world, has become one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the so-called "Chinese military threat" theory, which in itself is abnormal. If the US had no ill intentions toward China, has no desire to interfere with China's reunification efforts, and has no intention of conflict or suppression, it would not perceive such a strong "threat" from China's peaceful armed forces. In the past year, the actions of the US military have made it even clearer who the escalating threat in the Asia-Pacific region truly is and what poses the greatest challenge to peace and stability in that region.

At roughly the same time as the report's release, multiple US military bases in the Middle East came under consecutive attacks. The US State Department also issued a rare worldwide caution alert citing potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against US citizens and interests. All of these factors indicate that the real danger facing the US does not actually stem from its imagined challenge to its position of leadership by China. Rather, it arises from its excessive interventions and the blowback resulting from creating tension and inciting the risk of war on a global scale. This is what the US truly needs to pay attention to and reflect upon.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

US vetoed, killing United Nations Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution for comprehensive ceasefire is stained with the blood of Israeli and Palestinian civilians


A man carries an injured child at a hospital after Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City, October 17, 2023. Photo: Xinhua

A man carries an injured child at a hospital after Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City, October 17, 2023. Photo: Xinhua

The US veto is stained with the blood of Israeli and Palestinian civilians

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC), consisting of 15 member states, voted on October 18 on a draft resolution regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation. The US cast the sole dissenting vote, leading to the resolution's failure to pass. China expressed shock and disappointment at this decision, which is not exclusive to China but represents a general sentiment within the international community. Even the US' allies, Japan and France, voted in favor, choosing to stand with the just forces of the international community, leaving the US standing alone on the opposite side.

The draft resolution submitted by Brazil sends a clear signal, which is to prioritize achieving an immediate comprehensive ceasefire above all else. This reflects the most significant consensus within the current international community. However, it was vetoed by the US, resulting in direct and severe consequences.

The situation in Gaza is escalating, with more civilians losing their lives and suffering. The recent tragic incident where over 500 people lost their lives in a hospital in Gaza due to an airstrike has made the situation even more urgent. Every minute and second counts, and there is an urgent need for swift and decisive action by the UNSC. All countries genuinely concerned about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza are making maximum efforts. The US veto is stained with the blood of innocent civilians, and it is a grave injustice. It not only prevents collective action by the UNSC but also sends an extremely negative signal, indicating that the UN cannot ensure basic international humanitarian principles at critical moments. In fact, this gives a green light to those who do not abide by international humanitarian law.

The reasons for the US veto are increasingly untenable and appear to be mere excuses. The US claims it voted against the resolution because it didn't mention Israel's right to self-defense. However, as the French representative pointed out, there is no contradiction between the resolution and Israel's right to self-defense. The contradiction lies with the US. On Monday night, the US vetoed a resolution proposed by Russia, citing the absence of condemnation for Hamas and expressing a willingness to use the Brazilian proposal as a basis, requesting more time to seek consensus.

While this was somewhat regrettable, it also provided hope that the Brazilian proposal might pass. In the over 40 hours before the vote, the US neither commented on the Brazilian resolution nor indicated opposition, further raising expectations that the resolution would be adopted. Nevertheless, the US still cast its veto, which is truly unbelievable and raises doubts about whether the US really wants the UNSC to take any action and genuinely solve the problem.

The Brazil-drafted resolution condemns all violence and hostilities against civilians and all acts of terrorism, urging all parties to act in consistent with international law. It also calls for the continuous, sufficient and unhindered provision of essential goods and services to civilians, the rescission of the order for civilians and UN staff to evacuate all areas in Gaza north of the Wadi Gaza as well as the ensuring of humanitarian assistance. The draft resolution in general reflects the universal call of the international community and represents the initial steps taken by the UNSC to promote a ceasefire. It may be the only text that the UNSC can reach a consensus on in the current situation. If passed, it is believed that it will play a role in achieving a ceasefire, protecting civilians, and avoiding a greater humanitarian disaster.

However, the draft resolution was easily blocked by the US with a veto, reflecting the deep-rooted disregard of the US for the humanitarian disaster in Gaza. The US, which often talks about human rights, reveals its true face when it comes to the urgent moment when a large number of civilians' right to life is trampled upon. This incident has also attracted considerable attention in the US public opinion. The New York Times stated that the UN Security Council displayed deep divisions when it failed to pass the resolution; CNN said that the veto sparked "more criticism of political paralysis in the powerful global body."

The veto from the US has not only violated the most basic morality and justice, but also damaged the authority and credibility of the UNSC, weakening the ability and willingness of the international community to maintain peace and security. The "inability" of the UN in upholding international humanitarianism today is directly caused by the US' disregard and deviation from international humanitarianism. The Security Council needs to make changes and cannot remain stagnant. The international community needs to increase moral condemnation of such behavior by the US, exert pressure, and urge it to quickly turn away from standing in opposition to the international community.

The biased attitude of the US is one of the root causes of the long-standing Palestine issue, and it acts as a catalyst for escalating the conflict when it erupts. Currently, the international community must prioritize achieving an immediate comprehensive ceasefire to prevent the war from turning into a catastrophe that engulfs the entire region. The US bears the greatest responsibility in this regard and cannot evade it.

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Friday, October 20, 2023

Car combusts, now What To Do When Your Car Catches Fire? - Protect & Detect

PETALING JAYA: Imagine it’s been a long, stressful day at work. To unwind, you decide to take your car for a spin around the city.

With fewer cars on the road, you keep to your normal speed and let other motorists pass you on the right.

Suddenly, you smell something foul in the cabin, followed by the emergence of smoke.

Shortly after, your car bursts into flames.

ALSO READ: Insurance coverage available for vehicle fires, says PIAM

As dramatic as it may sound, this scenario may exactly describe what some drivers have unfortunately experienced.

According to data from the Selangor Fire and Rescue Department, there is at least one case of vehicle fire in the state each week.A recent incident involved a bus with eight passengers that caught fire in Jalan Tandang here on Oct 1.

Another case had an electric vehicle (EV) parked in Jalan Puchong Jaya burst into flames on Monday.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in both instances.

In the event of a car fire, Automotive Workshop Industry Operators’ Association secretary Anisah Mohammad said it is best to prioritise personal safety by keeping away from the vehicle.

“There is a risk of explosion in EVs, and it is important for firemen to use specialised extinguishers to neutralise the lithium-ion battery fluid as water should not be used.

“Fire and Rescue teams have specific protocols and safety measures in place to extinguish such fires.

“It is advisable for vehicle owners or users to distance themselves from the vehicle, take photos and videos as evidence, and file a report with the relevant authorities for insurance claims,” she said.

Anisah said vehicle fires from cars powered by internal combustion engines could originate from hot components such as the power steering oil, engine oil or gear oil.

“If any of these oils leak when the engine is running and come into contact with the exhaust, it can ignite, leading to a fire.

“This is the primary cause of vehicle fires.

“Another issue that contributes to car fires is the maintenance problem, specifically with oil hoses and petrol leaks.

“Newer cars, especially those from the year 2010 and onwards, are more prone to car fires due to numerous electronic parts,” she said.

“Hybrid cars and EVs are particularly susceptible to fires caused by the battery cooling system.

“The expansion of the battery due to excessive heat can result in sparks, leading to a fire,” she added.

Anisah also noted that performance modifications on vehicles are okay as long as the owner understands its function, and the mechanic has the necessary knowledge and expertise.

“Vehicle owners should only allow mechanics who are recognised with a certificate, diploma or degree in the field of automotive, hybrid cars and EV technology, to handle such modifications,” she said.

She also called on vehicle owners to be aware of safety precautions, such as equipping their vehicles with proper fire extinguishers.

In the event of a car fire, you will be likely in shock and panicked, as they don’t happen nearly as frequently as car collisions. However, a car fire is just as deadly, so it’s worth knowing what to do in the event of a car fire. 

Car on Fire

Causes of car fires

Unfortunately, the majority of car fires are started deliberately, either by arson, by criminals trying to cover their tracks or committing insurance fraud. Only 35% of car fires are accidental, stemming from manufacturing issues and fixes that may have accidentally been done wrong. Sometimes a car fire is down to the lack of basic car maintenance, so make sure you’re getting regular servicing on your car and complete MOTs when they are due. 

Dealing with a car fire

When a car fire starts, it’s vital you act quickly before you’re overcome with smoke and can’t evacuate the building. Vehicle fires spread rapidly, so follow these steps in the event of a fire:

  • Pull over immediately and switch off the engine, this stops the flow of fuel, which is highly flammable. 
  • Get yourself and passengers out of the car and as far away as possible.
  • DO NOT return to the vehicle for possessions, the vehicle might explode at any moment. 
  • Call 999, or if you have left your phone in the car, flag down another motorist and get them to call the emergency services for you. 
  • Stay aware of your surroundings whilst you wait for help, you might have stopped next to a busy roadside and it’s important you stay away from moving traffic. If you’re with kids stay extra vigilant and keep an eye on them. 

You may have the instinct to try and put out the fire yourself, but unless you have the right fire extinguisher, you may be causing more damage than good:

  • Opening the hood of the car will let more air reach the flames, which will in turn fuel the fire. 
  • Do not put water on the flames, the water might wash the burning petrol away to other areas where it will cause further problems. 
  • If it’s crucial you attempt to put the fire out without the proper fire extinguisher, earth and sand are a good way of suffocating the fire. 

Here at Protect & Detect, we pride ourselves on delivering a fully comprehensive fire alarm installation service and an extensive range of fire extinguishers to keep you and your family safe. To enquire further about our fire extinguishers or any other services, give us a call or request a callback using our form.